Managing RCT obligations for the construction sector


The introduction of the new online Relevant Contract Tax system (RCT) in 2012 caused major headaches for the contracting sector. Faced with the task of allocating scarce human resources to the task, a large construction company approached us for assistance in this regard.

Our response

The company has now completely outsourced its RCT operation to us. Whenever they want to pay a subcontractor, they simply email the details to us and we organise the setting up of the contracts, authorisation of payments and monthly returns to Revenue. We simply email the payment authorisations to the client, to accompany their cheques.

The outcome

This is an area where Revenue are very active and the client in question now enjoys the peace of mind of being fully compliant in terms of its RCT obligations thanks to our systematic and methodical approach to managing the task on their behalf.


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